art by rabdoidal @ twitter

look at my good good dnd boy

what is up, my dudes

laurent / leto
birthday: nov. 6
scorpio sun / taurus moon / aquarius rising


i'm laurent; leto/other nicknames are also fine, just fuck me up.

i'm possibly not a living being. (i died for ten minutes once. it's a great story for parties)
definitely a cryptid. also definitely an elf

i like cats

very gay. (in reality, very ace, very aro, with one notable exception)

i live in the dc metro area
i essentially grew up in the smithsonian which really tells you a lot about me

i like nature
and space
and the ocean
and a bunch of other shit

my hair is the source of my power but if you cut it off i won't grow weaker i'll just deck you
the power accumulates. i cannot grow weaker. only stronger
i love cats

a compilation of various descriptions other people have given of my gender.
or just extra testimonials, in a few cases.

genuinely, i am sorry if you expected something serious.

the car at 4am that has music so high it vibrates the housespicie jelly beaneel probablycryptidspooky scary skeletonbrick"you fucjkiibg piedce of SHITF"royaltyscience side of tumblr with a gunsadly vapinggoldhazardvaguely human when viewed from the side and squinting"shut tfhe FU CK"FANTASTIC and always pissed offhardcore


can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


"if you gave a cat critical thinking and opposable thumbs you would get laurent"
- jesse, my boyfriend

"helped me throw a beat down on lux"
- mica

"Laurent was made in a lab to piss off radfems" can, does, and will have multiple meanings
- roo

"wretched. filth. i love."
- celene

"Laurent can chug wine like no one else on earth and I wholeheartedly recommend witnessing him"
- v

"impressive hair"
- jay

"you take all the fun out of threatening to kill you because you keep fucking asking"
- alex

"seems chill but you look away from 0.5 seconds and everything is on fire"
- eth

"I almost called you a salazzle for some reason which is somewhat accurate because I shouldn't be attracted to you yet here I am being asked to leave Gamestop"
- alex

"laurent knows that tinies with long hair are superior and i respect that"
- antonia

"i feel like the fact that i christmas gifted you a punch to my face for our at the time 4 year friendship says enough"
- tali

"wouldn't let his boyfriend break the bottle and yell scatter"
- v

"i paid him $3 to hit my mortal enemy and he actually did it the absolute madman. 10/10. reliable lad"
- leo

the real shit

"you're pissed off all the time because you're god's perfect killing machine but you're only 100 pounds so people keep picking you up and cooing at you"
- still jesse.

"why would i ever destructively criticize your fashion choices when you wield fashion as a fucking blade"
- celene, again

"you fucjkiibg piedce of SHITF"
- meaghan

"you look like someone who I would not want to make any kind of magical pact with"
- james, upon seeing Just How Wild my hair can be


hit me the fuck up
(in order: main twit, oc twit, ko-fi, discord, ao3, tumblr)